Another Good Friday

A Christian holiday to commemorate the crucifixion of Jesus the Christ, son of God. I have always taken Christian holidays for granted until recently when I realize just how many unbelievers there really are right now that no longer believe in living & allowing others to live their lives.

America was established approximately 250 years ago to be run “for & by the people.” This is no longer the case. We now know that only those who are “approved” by the global elites can run for office or have a chance to serve in any capacity if they do not follow the global agenda & reflect their narratives & goals. You must worship them & not God.

As for me & my house I will serve the Lord & keep the commandments.

Thank you Jesus!

Happy(?) Thanksgiving

Praying for God’s people in the name of Jesus for mercy & protection against the continued onslaught of evil from the enemy.

I am praying that everyone is safe & comforted in these very dangerous of times. Missing my loved ones especially during the holidays. Not just the ones that have previously passed from this world but all my family & friends the enemy has separated me from that currently still walk the earth. This is where everyone should have drawn the line months ago. There is nothing medically sound about what those currently in power are doing to all of us worldwide & we have to passively resist them.

Thanking God for all of my blessings and knowing that Thanksgiving is not about food, parades or even family but a time to thank God for all His mercy & the gift of salvation to His people through our Lord Jesus Christ.

Hypocritical Lies

This is all we hear from the “left wingers” or “liberal progressives” of which there is nothing liberal or progressive about them.  They are completely intolerant, abusive & everything they do “regresses” mankind in every way.

“Aggression” is not “progression.”  Only accepting sin but rejecting & mocking decency is not “liberal.”  It’s judgmental, intolerant & hypocritical.  It’s evil.  They falsely accuse others of their own crimes all the while feigning innocence.  It’s interesting how the Bible describes the “end times” identically to what is currently going on in today’s world.


RIP Man With No Name

I awoke to find the devil is alive & well even out here in the country & there is no escape from random acts of violence even when you leave the big cities for this reason.  Safety is a delusion.  Now granted, Adrian Michigan is a city with big city drugs & crime so I shouldn’t be all that surprised.

Apparently an 85 year old man was stabbed to death in a random attack in the middle of the day while shopping in the Adrian Michigan Meijers yesterday Wednesday, September 16th 2020.  It’s a clean, quiet store.  The employees are lovely people.  It’s an atmosphere where you feel safe.  Luckily a woman with a clear head & a concealed weapon stopped him & with her gun drawn, kept the suspect at bay until the police could arrive.  Still want to defund the police fools?  Apparently another shopper that tried to stop this man physically was also wounded.

Safe place?  There ain’t no such place.  Learn this now.  The more “the world” hides the Truth from others, the more crimes like this you will see.  How did the liberal, the heathen think things would turn out when they frantically demanded all Words of Hope & Peace be removed from our schools & public view?  Was this kind of evil deliberate on their part or are they genuinely just spiritually blind?

I have not sat idly by & have tried by emails & social media for some time to get various televangelists or “preachers”(false prophets) pretending to represent Christ to speak up on what is currently going on in our country & world.  There is one man who half asses this & that is Billy Graham’s son.

Please stop voting for ignorant or “progressive” people.  I have a real problem with anyone who has a problem with the teachings of Christ.  Who’s offended by love, forgiveness & mercy?  Evil that’s who.  I can’t change anyone’s heart.  I do know that I really do not like anyone who can’t see what the hell is going on right now because I know just how spiritually blind they have to be.  I don’t know why some don’t see the obvious.  Are they too frightened to face the truth?  Many are, I’m sure.  There’s a time when you have to decide to do what is safe or do what is right, because they’re never the same thing.

Please be careful & alert everywhere you go.  We have a mainstream media that has been encouraging violence & attacks in America ever since November 9th, 2016 & their candidate failed to win the election & they began their coup with Hillary’s command to “resist.”  Oh yes, all this schiff is on her.  She will go down in history as the most evil, corrupt human being to ever walk this earth….so far….if truth is not finally silence forever by these criminal minded power hungry fools.

The SECOND anyone in any government positions speaks words of hate, violence or anarchy against our country or it’s citizens there should be a swift removal of said person from that position by military police or secret service/homeland security agents with charges pending.  They are NEVER to be allowed back in any position of authority again & depending on the severity should have criminal charges filed against them.  This is how it used to be before communist infiltration in America.  I won’t sit by & watch more innocent people die because of these vile criminals temporarily have the authority to wreak havoc in our nation.  How about the rest of you?  Please file complaints with DOJ, State Department & Office of Congressional Ethics if this behavior is unacceptable to you.


Savior of the World

We are finding out just how true the Word of God really is right now in these end times (?)  So much of what was written in the Bible has already proven beyond all doubt that Jesus the Christ really is the Savior of the world & therefore the Son of God.

There is a reason that the Godless heathen hates Christians & mocks Christ all the while frantically trying to remove any influence of Christianity from this sorry world.  They know He’s the Christ or they wouldn’t try this hard.  If these unbelievers really didn’t believe, they would not care less if we made fools of ourselves praying to our “invisible friend” as some call Him.

Important to know He is invisible to the unworthy.  The ones with too much hate in their hearts & no room for God to dwell.

There is a reason that EVERY knee must bow & tongue confess that Christ is Lord.  Look what is currently happening.  God did not mean for this to be our life.  If we all believed we would treat each other with loving kindness & not the fake plastic smile kind meant to make you look good to others.  Real kindness with real love.

Independence Sunday

On lockdown.

There is nothing “free” about our country right now. I have NEVER seen such stupidity & open evil in my entire life. People used to be sneaky about their plans to destroy their enemy, but even as they are all being exposed, their friends that own the media continue to be silent in the hopes the brainwashed don’t find out or if they do, won’t give truth any credibility.

Jesus told us we all suck, in other words of course & He’s right. Man is not good by nature. Some that don’t believe in God follow His commandment to love one another & think they are just good all on their own. I believe if the evil ones of the world do manage to silence all Jesus ever told us, that we definitely would be monsters that only were good so we don’t get punished by our jailers who would no show mercy.

Yes….I really believe Christ to be the literal “Savior” of the world.

Espionage & Whistleblowing

I don’t know the real reason why Wikileaks was started nor do I care at this time. Was it to cause embarrassment to various political leaders or to weaken various nations around the globe? Everyone who “spies” always tries to make a noble claim when they are finally caught. Sometimes you have to know what someone is up to for the good of all in this clandestine & dangerous world.

Deliberate spying in hopes of “doxing” someone you don’t like for whatever reason is just plain evil. Those who perpetrate evil against others will always have a visit from the “Karma fairy” usually when they least expect it. Making information known to others is important when you are uncovering any kind of crime or illicit behavior. It is not OK to release this kind of information to the public at large unless they “need to know” to protect life or property. The only people who need to know specific information are those you are legally allowed to do something about it.

That being said, I do not agree with the way the Julian Assange has treated by the Trump administration. Especially when you think of the way his accomplice, Bradley/Chelsea Manning’s sentence was commuted by President Obama shortly before leaving office. That act alone should have given Mr Assange complete complete exoneration but it didn’t. Why not? Lots of questions regarding this case that need to be answered.

Today I finally decided to send an email to his defense. Please view the following:

Hopefully you are still assigned to Julian Assange’s case.If not could you please see that this email gets to the appropriate parties.

I just wanted to bring up some important points concerning his case, which I’m sure have already been discussed, but I offer them anyway.
In light of the gross political corruption currently being uncovered in America in which the FBI, CIA & the Obama administration have been implicated, some still under investigation, I am hoping that this can be used to show the extreme bias &/or negligence given to the case of the American Federal Government vs Julian Assange.
It really appears that Obama administration worked out a deal with Bradley/Chelsea Manning (who is key to the very case against Assange) right before leaving office in “commuting” Manning’s sentence given for his large part in this accused “leak” which is in fact “Whistleblowing” that also has since been lauded as being something to be proud of by the Democratic Party.  I guess unless that information “blown” is against them.  Shortly after being released Chelsea Manning began to work as sort of a “double agent” against the Democratic Party’s political foes, in which she pretended to support the right wing agenda only to run right back to the left wings who she I’m sure she had an arrangement with to “leak” any information she could find to use against the Republican Party.  This can’t be just a coincidence.
Julian Assange cannot be guilty of breaking a law that does not exist for him.  Just because someone the U.S. makes an accusation or brings a charge does not mean it should be given any credibility, especially when it’s not legal in the first place.  Certain charges could have been dismissed at the start but they were not.  Why not?  A person cannot be “brought up on charges” that do not pertain to them.  This is common knowledge.  
Nothing Julian Assange did was really illegal.  He gave information about people, their dirty little secrets.  That’s not a crime.  Hurting feelings, causing distrust & bruised egos is not a crime.  I have seen defendants personal correspondence come out in trials made public.  Have the courts committed a crime?  The doxing in America (the world?) is completely out of control & endangers many yet it goes on with most never charged with anything.  Basically Assange is being prosecuted for exposing truth & maybe keeping people’s identity & them safe.  That’s not a crime either.  
How can the people being exposed as corrupt by a Whistleblower be allowed then to file criminal charges against that Whistleblower under any circumstances?  There’s no justice if the person you need to expose has the power to “legally” destroy your life for doing so. Especially if charges against his supposed accomplice Manning, who was guilty of something much worse, not only has his/her sentence commuted but appears to agree to “work with them” in some other unethical endeavor or to basically commit more crimes that benefit them? 
I don’t know if Assange’s defense team had tried again to work out a deal with the new Dept of Justice AG William Barr.  False allegations were used under the guise of “Whistleblowing” to try & bring down the president of the United States so why haven’t any of these important events that have transpired in the last few years been enough to get Assange’s charges dropped or lessened?
I realize that certain people have connections & more power but there is something called justice, even if it’s only found in our ideology.  The world is watching this & we have so much information & documentation that we can no longer sit back & allow a corrupt system of justice subverted by whatever current criminal element has the power for the moment to destroy others for revenge.  This is why a system of justice was established in the first place.  To prevent what is currently happening not just to Julian Assange, but to many political prisoners (whistleblowers, journalists, etc) worldwide.  What’s currently being done to Assange is like “Injustice on Steroids.”  You used to see this kind of obvious corruption in third world nations….but no longer. 
The way the Chelsea Manning case was handled in America by the previous Obama administration more than sets precedence to have the charges against Assange dropped or lessened no matter whos’ toes he stepped on.  In a world where there is no justice and corruption is this wide spread, the people be forced to make a stand.  

Sincerely, my actual name

I have already signed previous petitions for his release to no avail. Sometimes I wonder if anyone else in our society cares about anything or anyone & what if anything are they doing to try & make the world a better place besides the ever popular “virtue signaling” I see being played out by the world’s hypocrites.

Irony of Sorts

That we are being held prisoners in our once free nation when one of my grandfathers X8 fought in the “War of Independence” & won until the rise of the fascist New World Order or what is laughingly called Democratic socialism. Wouldn’t it be weird that my family has to fight once again for this guaranteed freedom?

NO….it wouldn’t, it shouldn’t have to happen. You can’t just waltz into a country, run for office & cheat your way in for the sole purpose of destroying it from the inside. We have laws set in place preventing this nonsense….so why the crickets? Why are so many in our countries courts & government offices OK with this?

I applaud & support all who are defying illegal “hide under the bed orders” from the petty Democratic socialist tyrants in various states in America & anywhere around the world. Democratic socialism is fascist, not liberal as they claim to be. We will all be breaking free & I’m sure those behind this first act of bio-terrorism against the people will ramp up their ways to infect.

The fact that they are media supported in one of the most dangerous, diabolical acts to force unsafe vaccines on the public is beyond outrageous. It will be stopped & all involved in this very evil idea will pay for this kind of reckless & dangerous plan against the masses. There are way more of us than there are of them. It would be a great idea if they would remember this. Their contempt for the people is no longer hidden & many really do feel “above the law.” The false accusation they throw at their victims when they dare to defend themselves against their treachery.

I want to share a very good post from Tucker Carlson. I don’t watch news much but I know he is on Fox News & has a very realistic & fair idea about things. Apparently being rational & fair is now labeled “conservative.” It’s not conservative to be sane & ordered. Shows you who the haters of these types of decent folk really are. For those who are media lovers, I’m sure this post will “trigger” you. My apologies.

“I’m sorry but anyone that thinks that social distancing is a good idea for the next few years, actually wants to be micro-chipped or thinks that a “benevolentdictatorship is for the good of humanity, I don’t want to give that point of view any of my energy.

I am a free Human Being and if you want to stay home, stay home. That’s your sovereign right to choose.

If you want to wear a mask, wear a mask. That’s your sovereign right to choose.

If you want to avoid large crowds, avoid large crowds. That’s your sovereign right to choose

I am not required to descend into poverty for YOU.

I am not required to abstain from human contact for YOU.

I refuse to participate in “quarantine life” until there’s an unsafe, untested vaccine released in eighteen months.

I refuse to receive said vaccine to make others feel more safe. That’s my sovereign right to choose!

If you’re convinced the vaccine is safe and effective, you can get it yourself.

Some of you are allowing fear and policies devoid of scientifically accurate data to destroy the country you live in and ruin your life.

We have a constitutional right to take risks. Life is full of bacteria and viruses, many of which spread before symptoms manifest and after they subside.

We have a sovereign right to receive OR refuse vaccines.

The data was inaccurate at best; purposely overblown to justify government overreaction at worst.

Stop allowing the government to destroy:

The food supply

Small businesses

Medical autonomy

Access to healthcare

Mass gatherings

Privacy rights

Our mental health & freedom

When the “new normal” is filled with starvation, depression, suicide, child abuse, domestic violence, imprisonment, governmental spying, and pure DESPERATION, the “virus” is going to look preferable to the world you helped facilitate.

I’m going to turn this around on people from now on. Those that say I’m (or anyone that supports this) putting money over lives by wanting the country back open for business…

Hear this:

YOU don’t care about the people that will kill themselves out of hopelessness

YOU don’t care about small businesses that’ll close their doors (THEIR LIVELIHOOD) permanently

YOU don’t care about the children/women/men that’ll be victims of domestic abuse

YOU don’t care about people defaulting on their mortgages

YOU don’t care about bills going unpaid by families with ZERO income right now

YOU don’t care about people wondering where their next meal will come from

YOU don’t care about the people that’ll lose their sobriety and slip back into alcoholism

YOU don’t care about the people that will starve

YOU support the inevitable looting that’ll take place

YOU don’t care about anyone that’s murdered the longer this shut down goes on

YOU don’t care about people’s mental health

YOU don’t care about the children that DO need teachers and educators to guild & educate them

YOU don’t care about the economy crashing down around us


YOU love your shackles

YOU are pathetic, begging your leaders for MORE shut down and MORE regulations and MORE handouts

I will NOT tolerate another person telling me that I don’t care about lives.

I care about the situation in its entirety.

But YOU don’t care about any of that so…

YOU stay home.

YOU wear a mask.

YOU live in fear. I on the other hand will not. As is my sovereign right to choose NOT TO.”

Hell yeah!

Our Democratic socialist governor in Michigan Gretchen Whitless, has decided to again extend our sentence until at least June 12. This is outrageous & out of the question. We need an Executive Order to demand our Constitutional rights be enforced & these petty, ugly tyrants be shown the door.

Cut & Paste

This scripture suits many who strive for power but are not fit for this kind of responsibility.

Giving glory to God & sharing something that was shared with me today on Facebook.

This is a cut & paste comment I cut & pasted to my blog. Author unknown.

OK, I’m going to try to be empathetic with this one. I won’t call it a hoax because I believe it exists. I believe there is a virus that sickened some, I also believe it even killed some. Killed, as in the actual primary cause of their death…… AKA, someone who wouldn’t have otherwise passed away if it weren’t for this virus. So I’m going to go out on a limb here and risk a few more lost “friends” with this statement……. I honestly think that this whole chaotic mess will go down in history as the biggest, most costly, most fear inducing, most panic causing RUSE, EVER perpetrated against mankind.

It’s given birth to some really horrible offspring, some incredibly intrusive and invasive government intervention. It’s revealed our greed and our capability for hatred & deceit. It’s turned neighbor against neighbor, community against community, State against State, and even Country against Country.

This was a perfect opportunity to see what we were made of, if we would choose presumed safety over freedom, if we would choose government controlled privileges over God given rights, and most importantly, what we might be willing to trade off to make a deal with the “devil“. Honestly, LOOK at us…..

We bought out all the toilet paper, we bought out all the sanitizer and wipes, we made masks, we reported our neighbors and friends who didn’t comply with the “rules”, we even stepped 6 feet away from the people we shook hands with a week prior or even hugged.

As sheep, we got a 98 on this test, some even got extra credit for showing extra fear, but as humans and as a society, we failed miserably.

And as Americans, we totally failed. We come from bloodlines where when things didn’t feel right, we resisted, we fought and “usually” won. Oh sure, the Canadians kicked our ass one time, but today they’re much like us. But seriously, in a month or two, take a look back on how easily this divided us, not just nations, but even here in our own neighborhoods, even among families!

Remember the times when an emergency would bring us together??? A hurricane, a flood, a tornado or snow-storm??? I do! We shared EVERYTHING, took care of each other, made it all work out for all involved. We NEED to get back to that, we need to remember that we are NOT each others competition or enemy, but rather that we are friends and neighbors.

We really only have one common enemy, and that’s the one that want’s to divide us so it can more easily conquer us. Call it a virus, call it the government, call it whatever you wish…… BUT the bottom line is, for as long as we stand side by side, together, NOTHING has a chance. Look at history and you’ll see how wars were started. Yes, every single one!!! Turn one faction against the other and watch attrition take over. You pick, race, religion, politics, ethnicity, class or caste…… DON”T let “them” do it again, EVER!!!!

This is a comment I am adding: Many years ago I heard some pastor say that our current society is merely coasting on the fumes of their forefathers Christianity & when that is gone, we were doomed as a people. I agree. There is a reason that Jesus really is the Savior of the World for unless His commandment of loving one another is strictly adhered to, we haven’t got a prayer, literally.