Another Good Friday

A Christian holiday to commemorate the crucifixion of Jesus the Christ, son of God. I have always taken Christian holidays for granted until recently when I realize just how many unbelievers there really are right now that no longer believe in living & allowing others to live their lives.

America was established approximately 250 years ago to be run “for & by the people.” This is no longer the case. We now know that only those who are “approved” by the global elites can run for office or have a chance to serve in any capacity if they do not follow the global agenda & reflect their narratives & goals. You must worship them & not God.

As for me & my house I will serve the Lord & keep the commandments.

Thank you Jesus!

Daily Prompt: Betrayed by a Kiss

The Kiss of Judas Iscariot

Many things led up to the Crucifixion of Christ but the Kiss of death from Judas was how the soldiers knew which one of the men were Jesus when they came to arrest Him for speaking against the leaders of the day.  They finally got Him by accusing Him of Blasphemy which was a capital crime and they could finally put him to death as evil is so fond of doing to anyone that gets in the way.

Jesus spent His life in prayer and furthering the Kingdom of His Father in Heaven here on earth.  Telling everyone that he trusted what needed to be said so the world would finally be as it was intended from the start of creation.  So those who were meant to hear the “Good News” would indeed hear it and obey.  There were stipulations to this Salvation and Jesus mentioned this frequently.  He talked about man’s love for hypocrisy and judgment against others.  He spoke of love and forgiveness as the only way past this.  “If a man repent, forgive him.”  He did not say blindly forgive evil and allow it to spread over the world.  He said that whatever you did to others, so your Father in Heaven would do unto you.  Karma so to speak.  No one can deny “cause and effect.”  For every action, another action of some kind will always occur.

Obedient to His death, Jesus lived to serve others.  How many of us can say this?  I know I can’t.  I have my moments, but I admit, I usually come first now.  There are so much good information on how to walk the Christian walk in the New Testament.  The first four Books are the most important as they are the Gospel of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.  Actual accounts of the life of Christ.

Enjoy the short video and music by Michael W Smith (Stand) Oh Lord, You’re Beautiful.  Jesus always spoke hope into everyone but made it clear that you must keep the commandments of God, keeping God first place in your life.  To love Him with your entire being as well as loving your brothers.  Others are not on this earth to use and abuse to your fancy.  Is that how you wish to be treated?  He said that narrow is the way to righteousness and humorously made the point of how it would be impossible for the rich to enter heaven.  Something to think about but I get it.  With so many needy in the world it is strange to see some with so much.  I would think a normal person would feel ashamed but most do not because they are not in the Word.  They live for the world and not God.

This is such a Holy and Blessed time for the Christians of the world.  Thank you God for the gift of salvation and thank you Jesus for your great sacrifice for those of us that are not worthy of such a gift, such great love.  I pray to come to greater understanding of your ways so I can further your Kingdom as well.  Amen



Another Good Friday: John 15:13

Jesus the Christ

This scripture is still true to this day.  All over the world there are people who lay down their lives for the sake of others.  Some do it to save lives, some do it in an attempt to help others live in freedom or some other principle they hold dear.  Christ gave His life over 2000 years ago to save the world and to this day many mock him and his followers just as they mocked him before his brutal murder.  Blessedly God’s people will have the last laugh.  Evil thought that it had won that day but thankfully love never dies and instead His sacrifice has been life saving to billions throughout all these years.  There has never been anyone like Him and never will be again.  I’m talking about Jesus.  Being obedient even unto death He was able to live again in paradise like his people will someday.

Don’t be afraid to take up your cross and follow him.  Dare to be a hero to somebody.  Evil is weak but love is strong, selfless and endless.

I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality.  This is why right, temporarily defeated, is stronger than evil triumphant.       Martin Luther King Jr