Daily Prompt: Narcissism

That word gets thrown around a lot lately for good reason.  Many are currently wearing this label and more will in the future if our culture does not turn back to Godly ways instead of the selfish worldly ways that our mainstream has made so popular and attractive.  Speaking of “attractive” it is the very definition of the word itself.  Per Dictionary.com the definition of narcissism is “every beautiful, perfect looking superstar you know!”  That’s not really their definition, it’s mine.  Their definition is “inordinate fascination with oneself; excessive self-love; vanity.  Psychoanalysis: erotic gratification derived from admiration of one’s own physical or mental attributes, being a normal condition at the infantile level of personality development.”  Sound like anyone you know right now or promoted by various media as healthy and normal?  We all can say Donald Trump and he does not even try to hide it.  I don’t say this to put him down, just stating fact and it’s not attractive.

Narcissus flowers, of a similar name, also the name of a character in Greek Mythology where the term narcissism originated.   So beautiful in springtime!

Weekly Photo Challenge: Prolific or Obsessive-Compulsive?

And does it matter?  I believe many artists have some kind of  obsessive-compulsive deal going on or they couldn’t work and produce prolifically as some do.  People love labels but we are all unique even in our similarities.  There are varying degrees of most “conditions” and depending on this, I believe, is whether we will suffer or thrive in life.   You need just the right combinations in life for that perfect result, not that perfection actually exists here.

God is perfect and Prolific.  His creations show it.  Especially during this time of year.  Spring!


Daily Prompt: Baby It’s Cold Outside

I loved that song that was written by Frank Loesser in 1944 and sold to MGM which they used in Neptune’s Daughter and performed by Esther Williams and Ricardo Montalban.  It’s since been recorded and sung by many others but no other rendition beats the original or this remake by Homer & Jethro with June Carter.

Spring is on the way but temperatures are still in the 20’s today with snow flurries.  Temps are expected to climb into the 50’s by next week so fingers crossed!