Weekly Photo Challenge: Prolific or Obsessive-Compulsive?

And does it matter?  I believe many artists have some kind of  obsessive-compulsive deal going on or they couldn’t work and produce prolifically as some do.  People love labels but we are all unique even in our similarities.  There are varying degrees of most “conditions” and depending on this, I believe, is whether we will suffer or thrive in life.   You need just the right combinations in life for that perfect result, not that perfection actually exists here.

God is perfect and Prolific.  His creations show it.  Especially during this time of year.  Spring!


Daily Prompt: The IRS is Calling

Cute prompt for tax day. “Fret.”  Many are fretting today.  Not really sure why.  As long as you had your withholding done correctly during the year or have been paying your quarterly estimated taxes and self employment tax if you are self employed there should be no problem.  I’m not addressing business owners in this post.  Not really sure why so many wait until this deadline date to “race the clock” sending in their tax payments.

Some of the self employed get behind simply because they are not being responsible or budgeting properly and cannot really even afford to be running their own business or be self employed but try it anyway thinking they can omit expenses they are able ignore for the time being such as tax liabilities.  Some get behind because of unexpected expenses and overhead.  Make your decisions accordingly or your tax liabilities will begin to add up and accrue so many penalties and interest it will be very hard to make things right again.

Forget “pennies on the dollar” because unless you are truly in a hardship situation like dying broke or completely unable to make future payments, the IRS will never accept these offers.  Why should they?  Extenuating circumstances aside, why would anyone think that they should be the exception in paying their fair share of taxes while employed?

You can file for your 6 month extension at this time if you are still waiting for more paperwork for some reason.  There is rarely a reason anyone should file an extension since the extension is only for the filing, never for the tax dueAll payment of any tax is always due on the April 15th, 17th this year, deadline whether you file an extension or not.  If you do not send in full payment by this deadline expect additional penalties and interest to apply.

Be sure to address your various state and local income tax filing laws as well.


Daily Prompt: Baby It’s Cold Outside

I loved that song that was written by Frank Loesser in 1944 and sold to MGM which they used in Neptune’s Daughter and performed by Esther Williams and Ricardo Montalban.  It’s since been recorded and sung by many others but no other rendition beats the original or this remake by Homer & Jethro with June Carter.

Spring is on the way but temperatures are still in the 20’s today with snow flurries.  Temps are expected to climb into the 50’s by next week so fingers crossed!

Daily Prompt: The Cure For Our Current Toxic Culture

Jesus the Christ

Imagine everyone you know currently in our media being humble, really serving others and making great sacrifices.  Imagine the wealthy giving all they have to others more needy, within reason.  I’m not saying walk around with nothing after some earned it legitimately, I mean those that are paid millions actually living in an average home, driving a decent car and giving away most of what’s left to others that will never have the chance to earn it due to lower intellect, not being cute enough or just being born into poverty from which for most there is no way out.

I love some of the lines from current Christian music that lay it on the line about those who currently “save the trees but kill the children” also “what if the family turned to Jesus, stopped asking Oprah what to do.”  Sad state of affairs but that is another blog.  Today I am posting a video with some of Jesus “Greatest Hits” by video.  Hope to make some others soon, maybe with a theme.

Happy Resurrection Sunday!

Music is by Michael W Smith (Stand) Come to the Cross.

As always graphics by Po’ Girl Shines/C A Lewis©