Weekly Photo Challenge: Transmogrify for Halloween!



grimreaperglow-2 pumpkinrainbowHalloween used to be one of my Favorite Holidays when I was young, after Christmas of course.  Halloween is my oldest son’s favorite and he goes all out in decorating each year.  Sometimes including his own costumes, fave being Brandon Lee’s “The Crow.

Yes folks, that’s his real hair!

Enjoy video from some of his previous Halloweens on youtube.com!  Or even scarier!

One of his earlier Halloweens with a jumping apple head for an apple head doll
One of his earlier Halloweens with a jumping apple head for an apple head doll

As a child I lived near one of the oldest graveyards in the area with stones from the 1700’s at least.  A few of us used to go up there to read them.  Thanks to the television program I watched as a young teen, Dark Shadows, I thought cemeteries were very cool.  Ghosts anyone?




I had a very cool Halloween song that I might have shared before.  Starts with:

Jack ‘O Lanterns big black cats and witches that fly in the sky!

I'll get you my pretty, and your little guns too! (hope I don't get deleted)
I’ll get you my pretty, and your little guns too!
(hope I don’t get deleted)

Halloween also led us straight into the other holidays later on.  Used to be we kept the Halloween harvesty feeling way past Thanksgiving and I loved that.  I remember when Christmas didn’t really start til a week or two before Christmas.  Again, that was over 50 years ago and I don’t think that stores were even open on Sundays.  I think they started doing that in the late 60’s, some of them.  I love autumn!  It’s just a great time of year for so many reasons.


Less than a month until Thanksgiving if anyone cares and coming soon to a super market near you, GMO enhanced poultry, also known as



chicken-creepy chicken-creepy-2

Have a safe and Happy Halloween to those that celebrate.

Pleasant Dreams!


Daily Prompt: Tree

There are many different kinds of trees.  Family trees, shoe trees and actually two kinds of those now.  There are tree diagrams and also the kinds of trees that I think of right away when I see the word tree.

Coming soon to a woods near you!

Found out one of my Great Uncles was actually great in that he started a business and became Mayor of a town in Canada
Found out one of my Great Uncles was actually great in that he started a business and became Mayor of a town in Canada
Many years ago people spent most of their time outdoors. Supposedly there were way more miracles and prayers answered back in that time and it is my personal conviction that the trees helped spread the prayers where they needed to be heard across the lands. I believe we still have a lot to learn about these beautiful creations.