Weekly Photo Challenge: BIG

Jesus has been the biggest hope and salvation this world has ever seen.  When it comes to the biggest difference to humanity, there is nothing that can challenge The Golden Rule and the stark simplicity and truth of concept.  When I think of big, I think of the big sacrifice one man of God made to save the world from themselves with the simple commandment of “Love One Another.”

Impending Autumn

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I love the falling leaves with all the beautiful colors, no matter how fleeting.  I cringe when I see very windy days coming up when checking out the 10 day weather forecast.  I know that one very windy day, can turn the vibrant, ready leaves still on the trees into colorful, moving carpets.

Most if not all shots taken in Hidden Lake Gardens in Tipton Michigan.

Weekly Photo Challenge: Mine

Ta Da!

My creative ideas are all mine (well sorta), til I decide to give them away. I do give the glory to God for all I know, see and do.  Posted a photo of my Po’ Girl Shines logo that was created with some of my photos.  I love doing graphic arts and working with mixed media and fabrics.
Po’ Girl Shines was an idea I got years ago when the economy began to tank and more people began to appreciate living the way I choose to live.  Some had to find out the hard way that living in poverty could actually be cool if you put the right spin on it.  If you decide that you are not born to be a consumer, but actually want to live.
My poverty is mine, my faith is mine, and my life is mine while I have it.  All the photography and art work is mine on this site and pogirlshines.com.
Most of my information on pogirlshines.com came from living sensibly and frugally my entire life. I believe that we should use as little as possible and give as much as we can while we are here in regards to the earth and how we treat one another.

The “ta da” was added because I have been saying this since I was a small child and began putting on performances for my captive audience known as family.
