Coronavirus Updates

I feel the need to post some disturbing developments & information that has come to me attention earlier today. I would like to post something fun or amusing or even hopeful but I won’t lie to folks.

The only laughs I have had today was going on some Facebook pages I follow for their sometimes off color or radical humor like “Funny AsShit.” Also videos on youtube that offer political humor as well as cute animals or music to pass the time. Never mind that I have hundreds of shows/movies on DVD’s I never watch. I’m partial to “Psych” episodes & just found a very cute BBC children’s show called “Young Dracula” on PlutoTV. Great cast, especially Keith-Lee Castle playing the Count, a single father of two. Never heard of him before this, but he & the entire cast are fabulous. Not sure why so much talent is buried in our world meanwhile the usual suspects are paid the big bucks to further agendas for their mainstream bosses.

So I see this First think on Facebook today. Someone shared it with me. I am sorry if this is upsetting to some but this is the reality we currently face & we have to do something about it. Be safe, but don’t be complacent when the current “powers that be” tell you to do something foolish or not helpful.

<<<During the Holocaust, they convinced people to put their families on trains (for their own good/safety) so they could be taken to a “safe place”. We all know the result of that. Have you ever heard of history repeating itself? I watched in horror as the police in China hauled a woman by both arms and both legs, shoved her in a van, and took her to a “camp” for COVID victims. We’ll never know what happened to those people. And with what’s taking place right here in our own country, don’t think for one second that it couldn’t happen here. We the people have proven just how quickly the government can take over all aspects of our lives. We complied based on fear tactics……….some of which are very untrue, and magnified/sensationalized to get you on that “train”. Please read. It’s for the good of our country.

Mark Levin is a very smart lawyer who worked in government during the Reagan administration. He knows his law.

MARK LEVIN: “To be clear. President Trump hasn’t shut a single business. The Governors did.”

“We are seeing the most draconian measures ENFORCED at some STATE & LOCAL LEVELS of government that we’ve ever seen in our lifetimes, and yet, rather than being alarmed by the things going on, so many of you applaud.

President Trump’s guidelines are VOLUNTARY & TEMPORARY but some Democrat states & cities are taking it one step further, extending the lockdown and CRIMINALIZING behavior. Bill Gates wants to keep America locked down for 10 months! THAT’S WHAT LIVING UNDER A COMMUNIST REGIME LOOKS LIKE, AND YOU APPLAUD.

People are being arrested in some states for spending too much time outside, and you applaud.

Pastors are being arrested in some states for daring to hold church services, and you applaud.

A child’s birthday party is raided by police, and you applaud.

A young woman is ticketed for going on a leisurely drive alone because it’s deemed “non-essential travel”, and you applaud.

A father is handcuffed & arrested in an empty park for playing softball with his 6-year-old daughter & refusing to turn over his ID, and you applaud.

A lone paddleboarder in the ocean on a beach without any other people around is arrested because he’s violating quarantine orders, and you applaud.

Businesses are being forcibly closed and padlocked and owners arrested for refusing to shut down, and you applaud.

Dairy farmers are being incentivized to stop dairy farming and to sell their herds, and you don’t seem to understand the implications.

You’re being told to use hotlines and online forms provided by your local governments to report your neighbors who don’t obey, and you comply.

You scold people day after day for not obeying government edicts, and if any of us dare to question what’s happening, you lecture about how we’re a danger to society and we just don’t care about people dying.

You’ve somehow managed to convince yourselves that the people whose lives are affected by a virus are MUCH more important than the people whose lives are being destroyed (and in many cases, leading to death) by the effects of a worldwide economic shutdown and impending worldwide depression the likes of which no one has ever seen before.

At what point will you start QUESTIONING what’s going on?

At what point will you ask how the virus got here from China? (as if it wasn’t manufactured here and even over there)

At what point will you question why the fake news keeps defending the Communists?

How far do you have to be pushed before you’re jolted awake from your slumber?

How far are you willing to go with this?

If they told you to load your families onto train cars so that you could be taken to Virus Protection Facilities for your own safety, would you do it? —> YES. Yes, you would.

That much has become painfully obvious to me. And the whole time, you’d be shaking your finger and yelling at those of us who refused, accusing us of being “a danger to society” and “not caring if people die.” But they don’t have to load you onto train cars and take you to Virus Protection Facilities, or force you to comply, because you do that voluntarily.

The fake news controls your mind. They control you through fear. They control you by convincing you that the world is a scary dangerous place, but they’re here to protect you, care for you, and keep you safe, just as long as you OBEY.

They know that as long as you’re locked inside your comfortable home with Netflix, Hulu, CNN, NBC, ABC, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and a cell phone, you’ll comply. No force is necessary for the majority of the herd.

Bill Gates even wants to mandate antibody tests. ONLY those who are immune from VIRUSES will be allowed to leave their homes & work. YOU ARE IMPRISONED, willingly, and you’re too blind to see it.”

I will not be blinded!

I will not be controlled by the government! Amendment 1
– Freedom of Religion, Speech, and the Press
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, or abridging the freedom of speech or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.>>

People, always be aware of what is happening & never just allow paid talking heads to tell you. They will only tell you what they are allowed & instructed to tell you. They do not speak the truth anymore & this should scare you.

Also be careful when anyone asks or tells you to do anything in this fear based environment. If you remember that living is one big crap shoot & sooner or later we will all crap out, you will feel much better & less pressured to take a vaccine that may cause illness or even death to some. Of course if they were to start something like this their story would be that some will die, just like with all medical procedures that carry this risk. That is nonsense.

I didn’t realize how vaccines can work or the reason you might die or become ill if you come in contact with a virus after receiving an inoculation that has not had all the bugs worked out such as what happened with vaccines for Dengue Fever causing some to have an “over reaction” or deadly reaction once vaccinated & then coming in contact with that germ. Vaccines are not some magical “get out of sickness & death” guarantee. In fact sometimes it’s the exact opposite. Please do your research, though I have found that Google & others that control our media are blocking & making some things disappear if it makes certain people look bad.

A Trip to the Market

Something I used to look forward to.

Now…..not so much.

Because the powers that be chose to react & respond to a perceived pandemic in a way that is totally unlike any response the world has ever seen, we will never know what the statistics would have been had we just being clean & careful & continued going about living our lives.

This is not like the plague where everyone who contracts it is doomed, but it is real. It’s like most other flu, maybe not even as bad as so called experts claim that many have this virus with no symptoms. So is this what’s happening all the time with all flu strains? Do some of us stay asymptomatic after we contract those strains as well? No one ever brought that possibility up before because it wasn’t an election year. The fact that other bad flu years have been completely ignored but all of a sudden there is a HUGE controversial reaction or over-reaction to some becoming ill & all of the experts around the globe seem to know exactly what the virus is, where they think it came from but all have conflicting information.

Are the tests available accurate or are they causing some of the infections? We know for a fact, this was the case with some of the tests. Is this just another political hoax on a global scale, bio-terrorism or has a virus somehow legitimately escaped on it’s own? Anyone who has ever worked or trained in a lab knows that germs can’t just “escape” depending on what you were doing with them. There would have to be an accident of some sort, such as a centrifuge exploding, operator error or deliberate intent.

I’m bothered by the level of espionage of our Intelligence Community in America & who’s side they are really on. I am concerned with the ramping up of hatred towards Christian conservative belief & the encouragement towards socialism. I have seen social media comments for years that certain progressives hope that the older people die off for the sole purpose of easy “progression” towards their communist ideology. I have seen politicians openly cry out for murder & mayhem against their political foes, which has NEVER been acceptable before now. These dangerous people are seldom admonished for unprofessional & evil behavior.

I will listen to stuff on the internet here & there for basic information (I have not had television for many years) but I refuse to listen to hours of pessimistic theories from so-called experts who are anything but. Some of the stories are just the usual media op-ed “Trump Hate” and in doing so, only cause confusion & anger in many. Propaganda should have never been allowed by the FCC, because it’s outlawed in their regulations for good reason. So you don’t have the kind of division that the mainstream has created all the while laying blame on President Trump for their very crimes when he dares to correct them or condemn their lies. Not saying Trump is always accurate, but he’s not the one creating hoaxes.

What used to be me just popping into the car & driving to whatever market in my small town or a larger one further away because of pricing or selection that I used to look forward to has now become a major stressful endeavor wonder if this trip will be the time I “catch it.” I’m sure most of us feel this way.

As someone who suffered from asthma years ago, I keep masks on hand for allergy days, cleaning, etc to protect my lungs. It filters out dust, pollen & bacteria. I have anti-bacterial wipes in my car. I’ve used them way before this mess. I am a germ-a-phobe. If you’ve ever seen Sheldon Cooper on The Big Bang Theory, you will get a view of my psyche when it comes to “cooties.”

My gloves have touch screen tips so I can keep them on at all times & when I have finished my careful shopping of whatever I can find in stock that I need, all the while dodging people instead of looking for a friendly face that I recognize, I dart back out like some fearful animal. I throw everything in the trunk & wipe down my gloves & some of the purchases, like my water. Some things I leave in my large storage closet for a few days except for the perishable so the virus potency can pretty much die off. Then it’s strip at the door (curtains are closed) and a full decontamination shower! I have carpeting so I have always left my street shoes at the door & have inside shoes, as well as clothing. Yes, I am that anal.

Sadly most of us will be damaged from this experience & I WILL BE DAMNED if I will allow any form of fascist government overreach to continue this freak show under any circumstance. We can & will get to the bottom of what happened. I hear these media shills stating that this will be our new normal or it won’t be back to normal for years. That’s baloney & they know it but all media is left wing global elitist owned who want socialism, who have been destroying our way of life thru indoctrination for many years.

If it was just a mistake, not much to worry about. If someone is behind this, such as the “One World Order” that I used to think was conspiracy theory but started to wonder after all the crazy of the 2016 election, then they will pay dearly. Any group this dangerously evil is always stopped. Read a history book. Sadly many usually have to suffer at their hands before this happens.

Please don’t give up. I know this is very hard on all of us. There are legal channels that Americans & others can go to if they feel that their lives have been completely upended or extreme hardship has occurred such as job loss or business problems. Please contact your state & federal government pages for more info on what your rights are and what services they are currently offering. This would be a great time for group counseling but “social distancing” prevents this just as it prevents fellowshipping in church for now.

Take care everyone. Love you all & praying for the best for our world. God bless us, everyone. God bless His people & hope to God that others see the light because you can’t keep your eyes closed to it forever. In Jesus name I pray.

All Dressed Up With No Place To Go

So you will have time to read this.

Before the Coronavirus turned into a global shitstorm I posted this picture from Mexico.  Now it’s just a sad reminder of our current hell and those taking full advantage of our vulnerability.

Does Shelter in Place or “Lockdown” have you bored as Iggy yet?

Or are you scared of what’s happening here, cause what it is ain’t exactly clear…..or is it?

You hear the drill from the media.

Granted, some of it is a bit confusing.  When you lie or take advantage of bio accidents or terrorism, which ever this really is, you sometimes start to get a little confused trying to push an agenda when you shouldn’t.  This is a time when people just need plain “truthful” facts.  We don’t care about Bad Orange Man or how some hold our country hostage to further a private agenda they cooked up for their campaign donors.  We need to know how to realistically stop this and get on with our lives again.

If this really is a forced introduction to socialism, the evil fools behind it are going to be in for a real shock when they see how many of us will refuse to give up our freedoms in return for a pretense of protection from those who don’t give a damn about the lives of the majority. 

Elitism has no place in America.  It will not be tolerated.  This timing of a global “lockdown” of historical proportions is just too convenient.  A small faction of global elitists have long been accused of preparing our countries for their socialist agenda but we are going to have to decline their “gunpoint” invitation as awesome as that sounds.

So, just do what you can do for now.

Stay home, do not have personal contact with anyone.  Not even that friendly neighborhood hooker you used to visit. (wink) 

Better yet, stand in the corner, if you voted for Trump. (wink) joshing.

Wash your hands.

Wipe yourself.

Wash your hands after wiping yourself.

Hell, jump in the shower for a change because from the current media narrative, some of you are downright nasty!

Shop during safe times if they have that near you.

Wear a damn mask, or use a scarf, please.  It does cut down on the spittle flying thru the air.

DON’T bring your young children shopping with you for now if you can afford not to.  It’s not safe for them.

When you come home after being in a den of cooties, working, shopping, whatever, you should always leave your shoes at the door if you don’t already do this. Take your outside clothing off at the door to hang out for a while or throw in the laundry.  Then jump in the shower and completely scrub off.  Lather, rinse, repeat for some of you that need maps for everything.

Leave non perishables somewhere to allow virus die off or wipe stuff down before adding to the pantry.  Some people do this all the time.

Just “think” before you do things now.  I won’t say “don’t touch your face” because that’s a habit we all have somewhat so just be clean. 

Regularly wipe down areas that are touched, light switches, doorknobs, etc.

If you can’t find antibacterial, use soap & water.  It will remove most germs. 

Please don’t try to concoct your own antibacterial stuff unless you really know what you’re doing.  Don’t take other’s odd or unproven “tips” for these cleaners as gospel either.

Don’t open the door to strangers during this time especially.

Don’t be scammed by calls or any contact regarding stimulus payments or other types of help.

Just be careful, pray and keep yourself alive.

Oh…who am I kidding….most are brainwashed, weak, can’t find their ass without a map and take the path of least resistance.  We’re fcked!