The Lord is my Shepherd

…I shall not want…

the ways of the world.

Giving glory to God. This was a very stressful week to end a very stressful month (not calendar month). I was at my breaking point when I decided to begin praying as I used to years ago. I used to pray all the time about everything but for various reasons, backslid to the point of my prayer being “as needed” only. Bad idea.

Prayer is good for God & for us because prayer is positive, hopeful, grateful & everything uplifting. This is what God meant for His people. Win-win. A relationship of giving & taking as in any successful relationship. So I began praying again for thanksgiving & to give glory to God in the name of Jesus.

The day before my miracles were received, I asked God for a miraculous resolution to two stressful problems that were going on in my life.

I can’t go into details of what it concerned but suffice to say that almost the very second I walked back into my door after resolving one problem, my cell rang with a resolution to the second one. I immediately thanked God because I believe these resolutions occurred like this to show the goodness of God in all His glory. Both problems could have turned out very badly for me but miraculously did not.

The power of prayer cannot be understated even when our prayers are not answered how or when we would have hoped for. It’s always God’s timing, not ours. It’s always God’s will, not ours but suffice to say the nature of God is “there is no good thing that he will withhold to those that walk uprightly.”

Daily Prompt: Rapid Read Household Tips

 Household Tips

If you really want to declutter for this year try throwing away Doubt, Worry, Regret, Bad Feelings & Fear.    Try replacing them with Faith, Hope & Prayer!

Weight Loss

  1. Smaller portions.
  2. Increase exercise.
  3. Adjust all recipes for less fat & sugar.
  4. Most good, healthy meals don’t take many ingredients or need to be complicated.
  5. Omit or decrease dressings, sauces & gravies.
  6. Do not fry your foods, ever!  I have cooked frozen southern style hash browns in my toaster oven with no oil a few times.  I will sometimes coat them with a teaspoon but cooking in oil adds many unneeded calories.
  7. I am not a raw vegetable cruncher.  Adjusted snacks to healthy choices of just small piece of cheese, teaspoon peanut butter, Harvest Snaps, Creative Snacks Co Almond Clusters & dark chocolate.

Always remember that cutting things down is not only healthier for you but saves you money as well.

Weekly Photo Challenge: Quest to be the Best

Good Morning!


My quest is to have the best blogs I can from this day forward. Now let’s see if I keep that promise. My goal had always been to provide needed information to others regarding many aspects of living in todays very confusing world, with a little entertainment and pretty pictures.


I want to give others ideas and shortcuts to living in a world that will rob you blind spiritually as well as financially. It was supposed to give definite tips to save money, offer suggestions to solve various lifestyle issues such as cooking, cleaning, decorating, gardening and crafting. I have really fallen short in this area because as my mother used to say “obviously, it’s too much like work” now.

Even though I have experienced the joys of motherhood myself, it was so many years ago this is definitely not a “mommy blog.”

I plan to have more recipes, gardening tips and photo enhancement tips from Photoshop, which I seldom use, Microsoft Photodraw the first photographic software I purchased and still us even though support stopped many years ago to Ulead PhotoImpact which has awsome particle effects like lighting and fog.

Thank you all for your patience and I hope you will enjoy the new, improved Po’ Girl Shines. I owe my faith and hope to Jesus. God bless you all. Peace to you all.