Another Good Friday

A Christian holiday to commemorate the crucifixion of Jesus the Christ, son of God. I have always taken Christian holidays for granted until recently when I realize just how many unbelievers there really are right now that no longer believe in living & allowing others to live their lives.

America was established approximately 250 years ago to be run “for & by the people.” This is no longer the case. We now know that only those who are “approved” by the global elites can run for office or have a chance to serve in any capacity if they do not follow the global agenda & reflect their narratives & goals. You must worship them & not God.

As for me & my house I will serve the Lord & keep the commandments.

Thank you Jesus!

Weekly Photo Challenge: The Security of The Cross

If you are not familiar with Christ and his teachings please refer to the first four chapters of the New Testament to see why I cannot help but love Him.

Remembering the great sacrifice Jesus gave on Calvary over 2000 years ago on this Good Friday and just how many are still being saved by His grace today.  No one before or since has ever loved and saved so many people in the history of this world.  He truly is the King of Kings and no one, no matter how they have tried, can ever change this.  The truth, the way and the life He truly is and the truth is unchanging and cannot be hidden.  He is the light of the world as should all of His followers be.  Jesus prayed before he was crucified for the Godly people, the people that believed in who He was and those still to come that would believe on Him sight unseen.  He did not pray for the world and he told some that cried for him to weep for themselves and their offspring instead.

Daily Prompt: Does Love Make You Fearless?

Or does your faith allow you to do it anyway.

Is there such a thing as anyone being truly fearless or does love and passion find a way?  Even Christ was fearful, but did it anyway because He was obedient to God until His own death.

John 14 12 2

This I post to celebrate the act of one man sacrificing His life so that over two thousand years later He can still keep saving souls which Christians call Good Friday.  The love of my life, Jesus the Christ.

When Christ was baptized

FearlessLove thy God Luke 10 27

FearlessLight of Life John 8 12


FearlessLuke 23 46 2
The sun darkened and the earth quaked. The temple veil was torn in two when Christ let go His ghost!


Another Good Friday: John 15:13

Jesus the Christ

This scripture is still true to this day.  All over the world there are people who lay down their lives for the sake of others.  Some do it to save lives, some do it in an attempt to help others live in freedom or some other principle they hold dear.  Christ gave His life over 2000 years ago to save the world and to this day many mock him and his followers just as they mocked him before his brutal murder.  Blessedly God’s people will have the last laugh.  Evil thought that it had won that day but thankfully love never dies and instead His sacrifice has been life saving to billions throughout all these years.  There has never been anyone like Him and never will be again.  I’m talking about Jesus.  Being obedient even unto death He was able to live again in paradise like his people will someday.

Don’t be afraid to take up your cross and follow him.  Dare to be a hero to somebody.  Evil is weak but love is strong, selfless and endless.

I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality.  This is why right, temporarily defeated, is stronger than evil triumphant.       Martin Luther King Jr