Weekly Photo Challenge: Endurance

Found an old barn and silo going to see family in Howell last month.  Per the historical sign in front of the barn, it’s a Michigan Centennial Farm which means it’s been owned by the same family for over 100 years.  Living in a city for the last 10 years, I really miss these small towns that still have farmland on them.  The Endurance of the American Farmer cannot be over-stated.  They have always been the back bone of this country and will hopefully stay that way no matter what stunts our government tries to pull.



Daily Prompt: “Rectum, Darn Near Killed ‘Um!”

When I used to work in the Automated Collection System for the Internal Revenue Service there was an email that made the rounds that someone started to make us feel better about our highly stressful position.  It claimed that there was someone who actually tested the anal thermometers so I guess that was supposed to make us feel better about the daily reamings we received dealing with the angry taxpayer calls when they found levies on their bank accounts or liens on property.  We did the dirty work for them.

According to Snopes.com, it was a joke.  Click on the site if you wish to hear the whole story.


Vintage Labor Day Fun

Like many low middle class families back in the 1950’s, it was a much simpler and happier time.  Not many years out of the great depression, there weren’t a lot of distractions from the real world.  The waters were much cleaner back then and even the birds sang sweeter to me.

I wanted to share some of my early vacation pictures in Michigan.  The oldest of six children, one of my Aunt’s loved taking pictures of me when I was little so our family had a glut of baby and toddler pictures of just me or me with another family member.  We don’t have many pictures of my father because he took off when I was a teen so we don’t have any pictures as a family after the one where we at the park having a picnic.  My father was so fun and talented, but very impulsive with a drinking problem at times.  I wanted to post the few pictures I had of having fun with my father for Labor Day.

We used to camp all over the state of Michigan when we were not visiting my Aunt and Uncles cottage on Black Lake.  I only feel good when I am out in nature and still find myself walking the trails as often as I can taking pictures of the beauty I find.