God is Good

“Everything happens for a reason.”

This is a popular sentiment or belief of many whether they believe in a higher power or not.

Sometimes I find it hard to subscribe to this theory when I hear of the many atrocities of mankind. I don’t mean the random acts of nature that we all know are possible at one time or another, I mean the deliberate evils of mankind through the ages. The calculated decisions that cause so much needless death & destruction. The premeditated plans of evil jealous fools to lead the masses to their own destruction all the while pretending to be the people’s “saviors” or helpers. These are our leaders. Blind leading the blind & you know how that’s going to turn out.

I never blame God for man’s atrocities or the acts of mother nature. Man’s atrocities are all on man. All that takes for evil to exist is other men to be agreeable to said evil or complacent. Shame on anyone who knows better but is too cowardly to fight back or speak up when needed. God created everything & told us how to live on earth. Every atrocity committed, no matter the excuse given, has always been an act against what Christ told us to do & how to live. They are acts against God & life as we know it. How is this even tolerable to anyone unless they agree with it?

If man does not get a grip on his inner demons the world is doomed. We see the unbelievers destruction on steroids since the “offended” are somehow in charge of the world & can mock & remove anything that might cause their demons to be exorcised or feel threatened in any way. For this end the truth is being demonized in the false hope to prevent said exorcism & save God’s people.

I keep calling these the “end times” & I don’t think I’m wrong. Man has had over 2000 years to get it together & start following the teachings of Christ as was intended. Instead of practicing the justice & rationale of the Golden Rule that Jesus taught his disciples to teach the world, the “unbelievers” try to erase any trace of His existence. They continuously insult our intelligence spreading false doctrine & rhetoric that Christianity is “dangerous.” All the while pointing to examples of the hypocrites or “wolves in sheeps clothing” that use the name of Christ in vain, getting rich by preaching false doctrine. You don’t have to be a soothsayer to predict man’s fate at this time.

Sadly if this is the best mankind can do than maybe it is God’s will that we come to the end intended for the disobedience that cannot be corrected.

YES…100% I really believe this. Look around.

I don’t wish to be long winded or disjointed in this post but I wanted to talk about coincidences or “things happening for a reason” in my own life. A surprising number of things in my life have not turn out as they should have or as I had hoped they would. This happens at times to all of us. When it happens regularly through no fault of your own, such as a bank failing or stocks crashing, you feel this is personal somehow. I know I do. I think what are the odds that this random bank or this good, solid decision would come back to bite me in the butt? If you think that way you would be afraid to get out of bed in the morning. When I look at the big spiritual picture & who my enemy really is, it makes perfect sense & I am in good company. That being said…

I wanted to mention something that I find interesting or coincidental in regards to applying for various juried art shows in the last 20 years or so.

As someone relatively “unknown” in the art community you have to always prove yourself or even have a name to be accepted in many art shows, especially the more popular ones. There’s always a waiting list. Some artists have applied for years before being accepted. Through the years I have hung in various galleries & was accepted to some of the juried shows & art fairs. Besides having a number of ribbons tucked away, there were sometimes cash prizes involved. Just the opportunity to be chosen for any popular art show or festival was an exciting opportunity for me.

I have been honored to have had numerous Computer Graphics dedicated to the various quotations of Christ throughout the first four books of the New Testament accepted to various art shows in which the same jurors had rejected my “secular” submissions. God’s will?

Oddly enough I had no preconceived notion of creating these graphics & presenting to them to the public at the time I decided to sell my condo in Canton & purchase a home closer to my job in downtown Detroit Michigan in 2004. I have always loved the Ford Historic Home district near Henry Ford Museum & Greenfield Village in Dearborn Michigan so I looked in the area & found a cute bungalow half the price of what the much larger historic homes were selling for & only a couple blocks away. Again, God’s will?

After my move I entered various art shows & hung in some of the local galleries as well as festivals & fairs. I didn’t choose my subject matter for submission as much as I feel now more than ever “it” chose me. I was strong in the Word of God at this time. Not the backslider I am now. I created various designs around the Crucifixtion of Christ. To call this the most “important event” the world will ever know is a gross understatement. To know that I walk among those that would mock this “gift” or not understand the enormity of WHY Jesus gave His life willingly in this very brutal manner disturbs me to say the least.

Jesus is our Savior because He is the ONLY hope this world has to stay here in one piece & NO ONE can deny this truth because they can see it with their own eyes. Either we all love one another or we will perish. Keep following the “anti-Christ” behavior this world promotes through it’s various media formats & suffer the obvious consequences. “The wages of sin is death.”

Slideshow of some of my past art show submissions:

Dare to Pick up Your Cross

No better time than right now while the world spins further into hell after the continued satanic blitz campaign by so many who have deliberately positioned themselves into places where they could do the most damage and others pretending to be “oh so offended” by the idea of peace & love that they keep requesting any sign of Jesus & his Father in Heaven be hidden from sight. I guess in a world such as this, Christ saving the world was pretty radical & still not well received. Man has brought about his own condemnation.

These Billboards went up in Toronto in 1983

Nothing going on right now is by accident.

Loving the Lord Jesus

Don’t you just love it when you haven’t been in the Word for a while & something makes you think of a particular scripture so you go to look it up & you actually begin reading further into it?

Today it was the old favorite of “Truth setting you Free.”

Jesus tried to explain that man is evil because their father is the devil & is a liar. He further explained because of this very reason, man does not recognize the truth nor wants to.

True Christians are definitely in the minority & always will be but they are also the ones that keep this sinful world spinning. Any good deed is from love & the God of Jesus, His Father, is love.

The entire chapter 8 in the book of John is worth going over.

Have a blessed & peaceful Sunday in God’s Word everyone.

Hypocritical Lies

This is all we hear from the “left wingers” or “liberal progressives” of which there is nothing liberal or progressive about them.  They are completely intolerant, abusive & everything they do “regresses” mankind in every way.

“Aggression” is not “progression.”  Only accepting sin but rejecting & mocking decency is not “liberal.”  It’s judgmental, intolerant & hypocritical.  It’s evil.  They falsely accuse others of their own crimes all the while feigning innocence.  It’s interesting how the Bible describes the “end times” identically to what is currently going on in today’s world.


RIP Man With No Name

I awoke to find the devil is alive & well even out here in the country & there is no escape from random acts of violence even when you leave the big cities for this reason.  Safety is a delusion.  Now granted, Adrian Michigan is a city with big city drugs & crime so I shouldn’t be all that surprised.

Apparently an 85 year old man was stabbed to death in a random attack in the middle of the day while shopping in the Adrian Michigan Meijers yesterday Wednesday, September 16th 2020.  It’s a clean, quiet store.  The employees are lovely people.  It’s an atmosphere where you feel safe.  Luckily a woman with a clear head & a concealed weapon stopped him & with her gun drawn, kept the suspect at bay until the police could arrive.  Still want to defund the police fools?  Apparently another shopper that tried to stop this man physically was also wounded.

Safe place?  There ain’t no such place.  Learn this now.  The more “the world” hides the Truth from others, the more crimes like this you will see.  How did the liberal, the heathen think things would turn out when they frantically demanded all Words of Hope & Peace be removed from our schools & public view?  Was this kind of evil deliberate on their part or are they genuinely just spiritually blind?

I have not sat idly by & have tried by emails & social media for some time to get various televangelists or “preachers”(false prophets) pretending to represent Christ to speak up on what is currently going on in our country & world.  There is one man who half asses this & that is Billy Graham’s son.

Please stop voting for ignorant or “progressive” people.  I have a real problem with anyone who has a problem with the teachings of Christ.  Who’s offended by love, forgiveness & mercy?  Evil that’s who.  I can’t change anyone’s heart.  I do know that I really do not like anyone who can’t see what the hell is going on right now because I know just how spiritually blind they have to be.  I don’t know why some don’t see the obvious.  Are they too frightened to face the truth?  Many are, I’m sure.  There’s a time when you have to decide to do what is safe or do what is right, because they’re never the same thing.

Please be careful & alert everywhere you go.  We have a mainstream media that has been encouraging violence & attacks in America ever since November 9th, 2016 & their candidate failed to win the election & they began their coup with Hillary’s command to “resist.”  Oh yes, all this schiff is on her.  She will go down in history as the most evil, corrupt human being to ever walk this earth….so far….if truth is not finally silence forever by these criminal minded power hungry fools.

The SECOND anyone in any government positions speaks words of hate, violence or anarchy against our country or it’s citizens there should be a swift removal of said person from that position by military police or secret service/homeland security agents with charges pending.  They are NEVER to be allowed back in any position of authority again & depending on the severity should have criminal charges filed against them.  This is how it used to be before communist infiltration in America.  I won’t sit by & watch more innocent people die because of these vile criminals temporarily have the authority to wreak havoc in our nation.  How about the rest of you?  Please file complaints with DOJ, State Department & Office of Congressional Ethics if this behavior is unacceptable to you.


Saving the World From it’s Own Evil

Op-Ed from “Po’ Girl Shines.” The only people who feel “in control” in this storm are those that believe in Christ as the Savior of the world.

What’s happening right now in all the Godless areas of our world since the very Word of a Christian God was taken from schools & anywhere & everywhere the “offended” heathen can remove it, we have see evil continue to ramp up endlessly.

We live in a culture that worships the murder of the most innocent.  How anyone can fall for the fact that murdering your own child is a good thing, just because you “wanna.”  You aren’t a very good person to begin with.  Something is damaged in you or you are very weak minded & go along with anything those you feel in charge of you tell you to do.

The very ones that should be protected by a loving mother are doomed by our society’s culture of death & destruction that again keeps ramping while being promoted & encouraged by our media. (whoever controls the media, controls the minds)

One good thing about this mess is how it proves to the world without any doubt that following the teachings of Christ is the only hope this sad, sorry, selfish world has sooo….indeed, the Bible is correct to state that “Jesus is the Savior of the World.”  This is not “just an opinion” anymore than stating that the sky is usually blue.

No one that loves, truly loves, can find fault in him. That’s why I never trusted anyone who mocks someone who did only good & told us to repent & love one another. To forgive & heal & do good is not bad. Only the devil himself or those who serve him would think that love is to be mocked & replaced with hatred.


It bears repeating…ugh!

OK…..still trying to process the diabolical global issues going on today. When the smoke clears will Amazon be the only retail company that exists? We won’t let it come to this.

Right now the least of my worries in my world and I’m sick of crying.

I think I cracked a tooth, (crown) again. This time on roasted cauliflower of all things. So luckily my Dentist is still allowed to see emergency patients as needed. Left a message late yesterday after the office closed. Will have to watch what & how I eat til I can get in there. Hopefully on Monday.

There was a set back with one of my distant relative’s premature twins yesterday. After finally coming home after 4 months of surgeries & treatments, she was taken back for brain surgery again. Praying for this sweet little girl.

I want to get my car looked at again for a few minor repairs. Everything is such turmoil & trouble added to the our normal problems. This is not right. We don’t deserve to be endangered or treated badly under the guise of “helping” us. The government helps no one but themselves. The way they have responded to this “plandemic ” is the opposite of what we should be doing to keep our immune systems healthy according to what I know & what some are posting on videos that keep being taken down for “false information.”

I am very concerned with long term effects for everyone that is currently being held hostage. I still haven’t developed the Stockholm Syndrome they hoped for. If the economy tanks, so do many of us. The only people not adversely effected are the very ones creating all the rules & regulations causing the world’s problems. This is not acceptable.

Many Doctors & nurses are speaking out about the dangerous & foolish procedures they are told to do with covid-19 patients but are kept silent by the mainstream media as usual. Every time they wish to make others look like conspiracy theorists, all they have to do is discount their ideas & make sure no one hears what is really going on. The fact that some of these politicians propose “taking people out of their own homes” to a place to be treated is not only foolish but illegal & dangerous for many reasons. They didn’t say send your loved ones to a hospital but said they wished to assign a “task force” to find & remove the ill. That kind of intrusion is not warranted except for extreme cases of elderly that live alone with no family.

We always said “Remember the Holocaust” for years because if you don’t you are in danger of the next power hungry fools doing the same thing, as they are right now. Evil always appears to have a legitimate reason for their abominable acts or most wouldn’t go along with it.

It’s important to remember that “terrorizing” has always been an important tool for evil to coerce or control others. This time the terror threat is not directly aimed at you or you would fight against them. This time the “terrorist” is using something to terrorize you with so they can use your fear to control you without looking like the bad guys.

It Is Happening

This is no longer the same America or world as when I first began blogging.  There is a cloak of evil that is attempting to silence the Word of God and truth at this time.  And even worse, I have nothing positive to say anymore that does not feel completely contrived.

One of the main reasons I plan to stop blogging is due to the amount of progressive fascism assaulting our freedom of speech.  The censoring and blocking of all speaking the truth, especially if it goes against certain evil agendas is going on in this blogging community, on social medias and anywhere else they can “get cha!”

I have always supported any president whether I voted for them or agreed with them on everything.  What changed all of a sudden?  Hillary lost the election and screamed for her supporters to resist.  The fact that anyone would obey such an evil & unconstitutional command speaks volumes to me, especially now that I know the facts of how crooked the “FISA memo” really is.  The evil of the Democratic Party now includes every sin and perversion known to man.  Infanticide is way over the top morally but to them building a wall is immoral, not killing an unwanted child.

Overview of how & why the “FISA Memo” was drawn up.

There are others that try to silence you as well.  They intimidate or bully with being “offended” and reporting you as they did in times of Nazi occupation.  “Poor snowflakes”, someone said something they didn’t agree with.  If more of these “snowflakes” would have gotten their ass beat as a child they wouldn’t melt down so fast.  Many kids are never disciplined at home due to absent fathers and working mothers as well as damaging liberal doctrine that makes spanking a crime, but not killing your own child as long as it’s “sample size.”

As an actual liberal and former Democrat, I now bitterly regret voting for Obama both times.  President Obama was the figurehead as the progressive communists slowly infiltrated the Democratic Party in recent years.  All one has to do is read or scan world history to see what people are really like.  To see your future.  For a short time in America it was Disney, sock hops and giggling at pajama parties about boys.  Now Disney’s gone perv and we shake our ass to songs about ho’s.  Instead of innocent young girls dreaming about boys, many are making an appointment at Planned Parenthood to kill their own child because it’s the “in” thing to do, the easy thing to do when you followed the crowd to “cheapen” yourself by sleeping with anyone who looks at you twice without thought of what you were really doing.  That is a dramatic and demonic change that I refuse to accept or allow in my world.

I had thought the main reason for the promotion of abortion on demand in America was to keep the population of the minorities and peasant stock to a low, but then why the hell are the Democrats (demonrats) shipping in criminals by the thousands? Something’s not right here.  I know that Planned Parenthood sells baby parts for a fact, we all know this and they fought like hell to sue the people that exposed this horrific practice for making them look bad.  They also bring in big bucks but for who and why really.  Amazing how evil people always condemn and “crucify” the good people that do the right thing isn’t it?

Then you have to ask yourself, why all the hysteria by the progressive lefts and why now all of a sudden?  Why so frantic to stop Trump from “MAGA?” Why are there no investigations into any of the Democrats finances, many of whom are multi millionaires which is impossible on their salaries even with the most aggressive of investments?  Simply put, the Democrats don’t want their global agenda to be blocked which will infringe on their personal finances and all the corrupt practices they have gotten used to through the years.

These people would rather destroy the entire country. They would rather see our lifestyles destroyed, see many of us lose jobs and our freedoms for their selfish agendas of personal gain.  Many at the helm have completely changed their ideology about southern border security, endangering our country then lie about it.  They support drug smuggling and human trafficking by their current political stance.  They have been a party to shipping illegals up at an alarming rate.  Most of these groups photographed look like young, able bodied men, not families.  Most are not families seeking asylum at all.  This video shows how many, including Obama, Hillary, Biden & Schumer, wanted border walls at one time and suddenly now all have changed their minds.  We need to find out why.

This is one of my “tweets” from today.  This is what I think is going on right now.

1. Po’ Girl is just sitting back looking at this big picture. It’s pretty crafty but luckily #God is not mocked. Break down & indoctrinate the people with sin & debauchery, even murder of the most innocent, because humans R weak & morally broken people more easily controlled.
6:19 AM – 7 Mar 2019

Po’ Girl Shines‏ @PoGirlShines 46m46 minutes agoMore
2. Easily tempted & fooled. Have “STARS” speak their agenda of lies to the “STAR Struck” naive & ignorant. Pay off others to betray their own country & people to indoctrinate us all with progressive socialism. Obamacare created problems for many small businesses then…..

Po’ Girl Shines‏ @PoGirlShines 46m46 minutes agoMore
3. Socialist agendas pushed people into demanding higher wages which will put all small business OOB, the larger global corporations will take over, the government will control them & socialism will just “be.” This is how they planned it & have to “disarm” to prevent revolution.

Po’ Girl Shines‏ @PoGirlShines 46m46 minutes agoMore
4. Stupidity & evil work together not seeing the strength of #God’s people & our ability 2 C thru the smoke & mirrors, hence them also working like mad 2 remove all trace of #God & #Christ from our world. They refuse to repent, we don’t have to forgive. #coup not going 2 happen.

So I’m just going to keep rebuking as long as I can.  Things had a way of working out in the world in the past before technology.  Wars, wars & more wars.  Humans are now controlled by a completely different means than any leaders or kings had in the past.  There is now mass indoctrination in schools & media, medication, electronic devices to control and track us, probably even brain wave techniques we have yet to find out about.  You know, the reason the “crazy” people wore their tin foil hats.  Some of these “crazy” people are much more intelligent than the average gump walking around staring at their little screens, bouncing off their walls in a techno haze.

I wish everyone the best and hope that I am wrong about things.