Before it gets away from you!

There are just too many things to do and too many experts vying for your attention telling you to do things the right way, their way!  Especially if they have some snake oil to sell you.  The best way to live is to find a way that is comfortable for you.  Ways that you believe in and to put your attention on what is important to you, not some celebrity or self-proclaimed expert.  This is the key to living the best life you can. 

Life will never be perfect or easy, so you had better get some kind of fulfillment by making your living in something you believe in.  Most of us work or have worked for the money, not for purpose or fulfillment.  Most of the world’s poor is stuck doing this.  Just because you are not rich does not mean that you cannot live richly.  You will see that there are so many blessings in life that are free if you have a grateful heart.
