Dare to Pick up Your Cross

No better time than right now while the world spins further into hell after the continued satanic blitz campaign by so many who have deliberately positioned themselves into places where they could do the most damage and others pretending to be “oh so offended” by the idea of peace & love that they keep requesting any sign of Jesus & his Father in Heaven be hidden from sight. I guess in a world such as this, Christ saving the world was pretty radical & still not well received. Man has brought about his own condemnation.

These Billboards went up in Toronto in 1983

Nothing going on right now is by accident.

Made To Shine

Yes we were. We were created to reflect the love of God.

Also a great CD by John David Webster. Where I used his song “Miracle” for my fall video.

So I created this after the last election in America 2016. Even more obvious today than 4 years ago.

Repent & accept Christ as your Lord & Savior. Some try to fight it, but they won’t win. There’s a reason Jesus was called the Savior. The world cannot live by their own lusts & urges. By doing what you want & acting on impulse. This is why we are seeing toddlers in grown up bodies acting a fool encouraged by media publicity & stoked by their selfish egos & ignorance. This is not open for debate. This is not my opinion. Repent or suffer the consequence.

Savior of the World

We are finding out just how true the Word of God really is right now in these end times (?)  So much of what was written in the Bible has already proven beyond all doubt that Jesus the Christ really is the Savior of the world & therefore the Son of God.

There is a reason that the Godless heathen hates Christians & mocks Christ all the while frantically trying to remove any influence of Christianity from this sorry world.  They know He’s the Christ or they wouldn’t try this hard.  If these unbelievers really didn’t believe, they would not care less if we made fools of ourselves praying to our “invisible friend” as some call Him.

Important to know He is invisible to the unworthy.  The ones with too much hate in their hearts & no room for God to dwell.

There is a reason that EVERY knee must bow & tongue confess that Christ is Lord.  Look what is currently happening.  God did not mean for this to be our life.  If we all believed we would treat each other with loving kindness & not the fake plastic smile kind meant to make you look good to others.  Real kindness with real love.

Saving the World From it’s Own Evil

Op-Ed from “Po’ Girl Shines.” The only people who feel “in control” in this storm are those that believe in Christ as the Savior of the world.

What’s happening right now in all the Godless areas of our world since the very Word of a Christian God was taken from schools & anywhere & everywhere the “offended” heathen can remove it, we have see evil continue to ramp up endlessly.

We live in a culture that worships the murder of the most innocent.  How anyone can fall for the fact that murdering your own child is a good thing, just because you “wanna.”  You aren’t a very good person to begin with.  Something is damaged in you or you are very weak minded & go along with anything those you feel in charge of you tell you to do.

The very ones that should be protected by a loving mother are doomed by our society’s culture of death & destruction that again keeps ramping while being promoted & encouraged by our media. (whoever controls the media, controls the minds)

One good thing about this mess is how it proves to the world without any doubt that following the teachings of Christ is the only hope this sad, sorry, selfish world has sooo….indeed, the Bible is correct to state that “Jesus is the Savior of the World.”  This is not “just an opinion” anymore than stating that the sky is usually blue.

No one that loves, truly loves, can find fault in him. That’s why I never trusted anyone who mocks someone who did only good & told us to repent & love one another. To forgive & heal & do good is not bad. Only the devil himself or those who serve him would think that love is to be mocked & replaced with hatred.

Independence Sunday

On lockdown.

There is nothing “free” about our country right now. I have NEVER seen such stupidity & open evil in my entire life. People used to be sneaky about their plans to destroy their enemy, but even as they are all being exposed, their friends that own the media continue to be silent in the hopes the brainwashed don’t find out or if they do, won’t give truth any credibility.

Jesus told us we all suck, in other words of course & He’s right. Man is not good by nature. Some that don’t believe in God follow His commandment to love one another & think they are just good all on their own. I believe if the evil ones of the world do manage to silence all Jesus ever told us, that we definitely would be monsters that only were good so we don’t get punished by our jailers who would no show mercy.

Yes….I really believe Christ to be the literal “Savior” of the world.

Cut & Paste

This scripture suits many who strive for power but are not fit for this kind of responsibility.

Giving glory to God & sharing something that was shared with me today on Facebook.

This is a cut & paste comment I cut & pasted to my blog. Author unknown.

OK, I’m going to try to be empathetic with this one. I won’t call it a hoax because I believe it exists. I believe there is a virus that sickened some, I also believe it even killed some. Killed, as in the actual primary cause of their death…… AKA, someone who wouldn’t have otherwise passed away if it weren’t for this virus. So I’m going to go out on a limb here and risk a few more lost “friends” with this statement……. I honestly think that this whole chaotic mess will go down in history as the biggest, most costly, most fear inducing, most panic causing RUSE, EVER perpetrated against mankind.

It’s given birth to some really horrible offspring, some incredibly intrusive and invasive government intervention. It’s revealed our greed and our capability for hatred & deceit. It’s turned neighbor against neighbor, community against community, State against State, and even Country against Country.

This was a perfect opportunity to see what we were made of, if we would choose presumed safety over freedom, if we would choose government controlled privileges over God given rights, and most importantly, what we might be willing to trade off to make a deal with the “devil“. Honestly, LOOK at us…..

We bought out all the toilet paper, we bought out all the sanitizer and wipes, we made masks, we reported our neighbors and friends who didn’t comply with the “rules”, we even stepped 6 feet away from the people we shook hands with a week prior or even hugged.

As sheep, we got a 98 on this test, some even got extra credit for showing extra fear, but as humans and as a society, we failed miserably.

And as Americans, we totally failed. We come from bloodlines where when things didn’t feel right, we resisted, we fought and “usually” won. Oh sure, the Canadians kicked our ass one time, but today they’re much like us. But seriously, in a month or two, take a look back on how easily this divided us, not just nations, but even here in our own neighborhoods, even among families!

Remember the times when an emergency would bring us together??? A hurricane, a flood, a tornado or snow-storm??? I do! We shared EVERYTHING, took care of each other, made it all work out for all involved. We NEED to get back to that, we need to remember that we are NOT each others competition or enemy, but rather that we are friends and neighbors.

We really only have one common enemy, and that’s the one that want’s to divide us so it can more easily conquer us. Call it a virus, call it the government, call it whatever you wish…… BUT the bottom line is, for as long as we stand side by side, together, NOTHING has a chance. Look at history and you’ll see how wars were started. Yes, every single one!!! Turn one faction against the other and watch attrition take over. You pick, race, religion, politics, ethnicity, class or caste…… DON”T let “them” do it again, EVER!!!!

This is a comment I am adding: Many years ago I heard some pastor say that our current society is merely coasting on the fumes of their forefathers Christianity & when that is gone, we were doomed as a people. I agree. There is a reason that Jesus really is the Savior of the World for unless His commandment of loving one another is strictly adhered to, we haven’t got a prayer, literally.

Daily Prompt: Bounty of Salvation

Christmas Bounty! (the quicker picker upper)

luke-2-9-11-2Most became familiar with this scripture read in the Charlie Brown Christmas special during the children’s play.  Hopefully some of you know a little more about our Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ than what is portrayed in a child’s cartoon.

Merry Christmas and God Bless us everyone!