Weekly Photo Challenge: I’d Rather Be Baking

Especially when my apartment’s boiler is not working properly and I wake to freezing, just above zero temps, in my area of Michigan.  My first thought was to turn on my electric oven because it helps to warm the apartment and why not throw in some muffins to bake as well (two birds).

I used the same recipe I posted on a recent post of mine for Sour Cream Coffee Cake.  Click for the recipe.  I baked them at 350° for only 17 minutes in my vintage ecko baking tin.  I did not top these but instead whipped up a spread for them from 4 oz cream cheese and 2 TBs sweet cream butter softened in the microwave but not melted, then stirred in 2 Tb French Vanilla coffee creamer to give it a rich, buttery slightly sweet flavor.  Delicious, but they would have tasted great plain too.  I just happen to be a fan of cream cheese and had some on hand from a sale last week at the local market.


I’m still pampering myself and having treats to make up for all the time last year during fall and the entire Holiday Season that I spent ill.  First year I lost weight instead of gaining it for once, to think of it on the positive side.

Daily Prompt: Relax and Bake On!

Chocolate Chip Cream Cheese Muffins

8 oz cream cheese                   1/4 C milk or cream

2 Tb butter                      1/4 C vanilla creamer

1/4 C sour cream           1 tsp vanilla

1 egg                               1/2 C sugar

2 C flour                          3 tsp baking powder

1/2 C mini chocolate chips

Breakfast Muffins



Good morning!

This is the day that the Lord has made and I will rejoice and be glad in it!

This recipe might just help you to do that.

Lemon Blueberry Muffins


             Dry                                                            Wet

1     C whole wheat flour                               1/4 C sour cream

1     C flour                                                       1/4 C oil

2     tsp baking powder                                    1/4 C milk

1     pinch of salt                                           1/4 C vanilla flav. creamer

1/2 C sugar                                                      3    Tb lemon juice

1   C fresh or frozen blueberries                    2 eggs

Mix the dry together in large bowl and then all the wet together to add to the dry. If you don’t have flavored creamer just change milk to half cup and add 1 tsp vanilla.  You can also use whatever type flours you desire.  I use whole wheat for most of my recipes.

Incorporate all ingredients by hand except blueberries but do not over mix. Before folding in the blueberries, I mix them with a couple of Tbs. of sugar first but this is optional.

Fill all cups at least 3/4 full. Should make more than 12 regular size muffins.  Bake at 350° for approximately 30 minutes.

Mix the dry together in large bowl and then all the wet together to add to the dry. If you don’t have flavored creamer just change milk to half cup and add 1 tsp vanilla.  You can also use whatever type flours you desire.  I use whole wheat for most of my recipes.

Incorporate all ingredients by hand except blueberries but do not over mix. Before folding in the blueberries, I mix them with a couple of Tbs. of sugar first but this is optional.

Fill all cups at least 3/4 full. Should make more than 12 regular size muffins.  Bake at 350° for approximately 30 minutes.

(I apologize for the formatting problem on the recipe.  This is what happened using cut and paste.  Please place any question in the comment section.  Thank you!)

Daily Prompt: Sugar, ah Honey, Honey

My one and only vice at this time.  As a borderline diabetic, I’m ashamed of myself as any alcoholic would feel falling off the wagon every time I over indulge and know I do it with some risk.  I have always loved sweets, but mostly just chocolate and ice creams with some kind of fudge or chocolate in it or on it.  For years I kept my cravings under acceptable control.  A piece of chocolate here and there.  A small bowl (or two) of ice cream after dinner in the evening.  Now it’s over the moon due to once I start eating sweets, it’s hard for me to stop.  I started drinking coffee with International Delight French Vanilla which is so delicious on its own and it sets my palate for more sweets like maybe a donut or scone instead of oatmeal, toast or an egg.

Since I’m new in my small town, about two months now, I have already visited a couple local bakeries in the morning if I wake up and feel the need to get out because it’s just too quiet and they have a no noise thing before 8:00 am.  I’m po’ so a buck or two for something sweet is better than forking out four or five dollars for an omlette.

Enjoy the visions of sugar (not plums) dancing on my screen!

View this post at your own risk of drooling and spontaneous eating frenzies. For entertainment purposes only!

Weekly Photo Challenge: The Early Bird Makes the Muffin

Sometimes mildly bi-polar is not so bad.  I’ve never been officially diagnosed as such but it runs in my family and my Doctor recently told me that it’s possible I may be “mildly” bi-polar because I’m a creative type and very sensitive.  I’ve always been able to function normally, sort of, so this comment did not surprise me in any way.  Not sure why all the labels they insist on giving everyone, but on to the challenge and that is I made blueberry muffins early this morning.  Someone gave me a whole slew of frozen blueberries last week and I’m not going to let the go to waste!  Besides, I have to make way in the freezer for ice cream cause summer’s comin’ fast!  Thank God!

Sometimes it appears I become obsessive when taking photographs of various subjects, which is why digital is truly a blessing.  I used up rolls of 35mm film years ago and it was quite expensive.  I was playing with my macro lenses and want to share some of the over 100 shots I took this morning.

I couldn’t stop!  Blueberries produce such fascinating hues and muffins are so textured!  Enjoy my blueberry muffin art and try not to get hungry.  There is a recipe at the bottom in case you want to try these.
