Writing Challenge: My Lost Art of Basket Weaving

Many years ago I used to love creating warp weave, yarn wrapped baskets, bowls, vases, etc.  My best-selling were the ones I trimmed in feathers.  They were really popular back in the 70’s, early 80’s at school bazaars or local craft shows.  I always worked in earth tones or fall like colors that were popular at the time.  They are still the colors I like to work with the best in all mediums.

Right after my divorce I worked a lot of hours and most all of any art or crafting I once did fell by the wayside to the pure exhaustion that became my daily life.  On weekends, or Sunday, I caught up with my children, people and chores that I didn’t get to during my work week.  Many of my work weeks were 6 days so on my Sundays off I tried to take my kids somewhere, run my errands, etc.

My actual lost art was that of living like a human being was created to live, so other than the fact that I can’t afford my balloon mortgage payments due in a few months and will be losing my home, I may actually begin to begin again now that I am finally retired by forces too numerous to mention.  Cleaning out my only sister’s apartment after she recently passed, I found a number of baskets I had given her years ago.  I still have yarns and basket supplies boxed up.  I pulled a dish out that I had been working on probably 30 years ago.  I just may finish it with some feathers when I done.

This gives me the inspiration to finish it so I can not only post the finished basket, but I will also post some how-to information on the instructables.com website when I start my next one.