My First Real Garden in The Burbs

Standing in front of my first garden in the burbs.

How Green is Your Garden?

I am chemically sensitive and I have been for many years.  I know a lot of people that have the same problem and the numbers are growing.  Chemicals are big business and the only way this will change is if we stop using those products.  Less demand means less production, less money for advertisement to convince you that you need them, hence less pollution.  We use chemicals for cleaning, lawn care, health and beauty aids, even in our foods.  Now when did granny say, I’ll just add a little more MSG or cottonseed oil when she was cooking dinner?  There is simply no legitimate excuse for our dependence on these toxic additives to our foods especially. 

I understand that there can be a concern at times about a product’s ingredients becoming stale or unstable without their use, but if foods were received fresh and used as intended, the need for many of the additional additives would subside.  Insisting on fresher products may force our governments to allow us to consume products grown or produced in America, which in turn puts more Americans back to work.  Most of our products come from other countries and there is a longer time span from production or harvest to market due to all the import, export procedures and regulations.  Personally I fear any product that should only last a week, tops, lasting for months on a store shelf

Living green means living fresh and organic, as we were created to live.  We were certainly not created to constantly ingest man-made garbage.  There is so much talk about finding a cure for cancers, but I have yet to see the people responsible for this quest do anything remotely that will bring this about.  We certainly don’t need all the marching for donations, which is big business for some.  We need our world leaders and governmental agencies to do the right thing for a change and reduce the world’s pollution that is almost out of control now.  I don’t know about global warming, but I do know that toxic chemicals pollute and poison our air, water and earth daily.  Soon this may not be reversible.  This smog destroys people’s lungs and many inner city children show signs of asthma right away due to their tender membranes and tiny bodies.  Some don’t stand a chance.  Instead of trying to stop this madness, Doctors give these children more chemicals and toxins in their bodies to try to counteract the symptoms.

Most cancers are caused by irritations and the body’s homeostasis being altered allowing the cancers to grow.  I live near numerous factories and since moving here my lungs have become so much worse.  I don’t smoke and never go by smokers anymore due to the chronic bronchitis this causes me.  Gone are the days of drying laundry outdoors unless you live out in the boonies, and that air is still not really fresh anymore.  Our air circulates globally and China is a big polluter next to the U S.

I encourage you to write to your state and federal governments to see what ideas they are coming up with to improve our environment.  Please feel free to offer any suggestions to them that you think may help, just keep it “clean.”